Picture: Daimler self-driving trucks
U.S. truck stops are beginning to ready themselves for self-driving trucks. The Wall Street Journal reports that truck stop operator Pilot Flying J is taking an equity stake in automated vehicle startup Kodiak Robotics. This is the first step in what Pilot says will be a wider plan to outfit its highway stations to greet robotic trucks.
The effort will start with a truck stop in the Atlanta area that could become a model for how Pilot aligns its operations for driverless vehicles. This could include features such as streamlined access to fuel pumps and dedicated spots to handle cargo.
It’s a sign of how transportation companies are adapting parts of their business to the new technology becoming available to the freight sector.
Experts expect self-driving freight vehicles to become widely available before autonomous passenger cars reach the road because their routes can be more predictable and easily managed.
Source: (Supplychainbrain)